European Youth MTB Champs Team

We travelled out to Capriasca, Switzerland for European Youth MTB Champs. It was our first experience racing internationally, and totally different to anything we had raced before. An unbelievably dusty, technical track and fields of 150 riders made for some exciting racing, and a week we will never forget. Thanks so much Ride for Charlie

Libby at the World Cup

Huge thanks to Ride For Charlie for supporting me to race in the last junior World Cup of the season in Basel, Switzerland. The race was fast and furious on an urban type course.

European Youth Championships

Our team was very grateful for the support from Ride For Charlie when we were out at the European Youth MTB Championship in Capriasca, Switzerland. We all really enjoyed our first experience racing in Europe. The course was extremely technical, very different to what we get in Britain. The super hot weather made the fast furious racing even harder. Lots of lessons learned and lots of good results.